Monday, December 12, 2011

Divine Appointment!

The call came in today!  This is the call that gave us calm release because it seems this has been put before Grace again for a reason.  The Embassy wanted to have Grace within the walls of the compound tomorrow morning.  Our first instinct was, "she will be there!" then we thought, oh crap!  She doesn't have the original documents that we sent.  Having these documents is of strategic importance to the battle!  The appointment was then rescheduled for Thursday morning.
I called Grace to tell her the news.  She has grown accustomed to my talking in half-time.  She knows that I will repeat the conversation (at least) three or four times to make sure she understands.  She laughs at me when she knows I'm crazy-excited! She says, "ok, ok, I will do it!"  
~Worst-Case Scenario~
She expects that she will have to talk the whole time she is in the 4'X4' interview room.  She will not let this attempt at her visa slip by. 
Arrival time at the walls of the Embassy will be midnight (Michigan time), early Thursday morning.  That is when she waits.  Her number will be called & she will leave Oyet on the outside  to enter for processing. 
If you have been through a visa interview, you know.  It is nothing short of the most difficult exam you will ever encounter.  Many futures are denied there.  The oxygen has been sucked out of our lungs in this very same waiting room before.  After her first denial, we cried over her going in alone for the next. 
I have told Grace that there will not be anyone in that room with her except God.  She said, "Yes, we have been praying for this!"  
YES! We have!

The spirit of this child will not be quieted.  She has hope in her voice.  She can do this! 

Tomorrow we will shop for airfare for Grace.  Our hope is that we can bring her back to Michigan accompanied.  The ability for her to travel 8000+ miles alone seems difficult to fathom.  This question seems so insignificant right now.  We can't worry.  That has mistrust written all over it!   
Just like Thomas, there is a need to feel Jesus close to know He is here.  Jesus says, "do not be faithless, but believe!"
 We are.

1 comment:

  1. Heavenly Father - Provider, Guider and Giver of wisdom - Bring a new measure of sureness to Grace as she prepares. Let her feel Your constant Presence as she meets and shower Your Holy favor in it all in the Name of Jesus Christ our Redeemer! Thank you for all that YOU are doing!!
