Friday, July 29, 2011

Just a girl from Northern Uganda

Grace trusted so many people to help her with this process.  Some have taken advantage of her position and taken from her.  Again.
This girl from Northern Uganda has no name or social standing in her own country.  It has been described to me earlier today that she is water on the face, to be wiped away.  She is from a district in Northern Uganda that is meaningless to many in any position to make change. 
She is still without a passport after 6 weeks of waiting.  We have found that those who told us it would be in have lied.  So many lies. 
Men (who have power) have taken advantage of this situation.  This girl is not a threat.  She will go away and come back every time.  She will keep paying and the process will stay still.  She will be back.  She wants something and there are Americans that will back the proce$$.
I have spoken to Grace in the last 10 minutes.  She feels lost in this.  She is very disappointed in so many men.  I asked her specifically if she feels that she doesn't want to come.  She said, "yes, I want to come!"  I told her that as long as she wants to be educated in the USA, we will fight for her to do that.  Her education is much bigger than this problem.  I said to her the one thing I am known for is to never give up!  I am a stubborn American.  
Brian and I are being challenged to put this in God's capable hands.  We are praying that God will stop these men who have controlled this process.  That He will empower Albert to be a voice for Grace.  To act justly on this.  God knows what is going on.  He has the names of those who are corrupt.  He will wait on them & judge them.  Not me.
This is truly a challenge for who we are.  We have not been face with such wrongs that are unstoppable.  This takes a shot to our hearts! 
At this point, trust is an obvious problem. 
We are being told by men, other than our former attorney, that it will be in next week.  I have called the office in Kampala and told the same. 
The unfortunate reality is that we are now being faced with a trip that will be costly and very short.  We do not know what that means but it will be a couple of days and then back on the plane.  The cost will also be a problem.  God has this.
On the wall in our hallway, in BIG letters it says, "DON'T TELL GOD HOW BIG THE STORM IS, TELL THE STORM HOW BIG GOD IS."  My daily reminder!
For two days, I have been meditating, fasting and praying for Grace.  
Please pray for Grace.

"See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me."  -Isaiah 49:16

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